Shrub roses planting and care: choice of location, soil, planting, watering and feeding. Climbing rose planting and care in the open field: site selection, soil preparation, planting, support and garter.

  • admin
  • June 15, 2016
Shrub roses planting and care: choice of location, soil, planting, watering and feeding. Climbing rose planting and care in the open field: site selection, soil preparation, planting, support and garter.

All summer residents, regardless of age, sex and religion, adore garden roses for their exquisite aroma and lush flowering. And it does not matter where exactly the flowers are located on the site: near the invigorating pool, in the rose garden or on the flower bed. Luxury lashes of roses and cute rose bush are an ideal and win-win option of landscaping. True, there is one condition - roses need to organize the correct planting, feeding and leaving.

Rose in the landscape design of the site

Among the numerous family of rose-colored shrub plants, the rose occupies a special privileged position. To maintain the status of the rose helps a variety of varieties with fragrant flowers, different in shape, size and color.


These are shrubby roses and scented ethereal plants, in flowers containing up to 0.15% of rose oil. Flowering fragrant roses in the garden with a long flowering period look fantastically attractive.


Modern varieties of roses, and there are more than 460 species, already remotely resemble a cultivated dog rose.


There are the following varieties of roses:

• park and polyanthus

• floribunda and grandiflora.

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The intensity of flowering of some varieties of shrub and climbing roses can last all summer, attracting the attention of amateur gardeners and landscape designers. After all, the rose smells like a rose, even call it a rose, though not!

Bouquet of white roses - grow your rose

Before you collect a bouquet of elastic white roses, there is a long process of growing flowers. Cultivation of a variety of varieties allows for a different period of planting, a period of budding and flowering of roses.


These are the basic conditions that meet the requirements, how to care for roses of bush species or sticks. We will show that for most bush roses the period of ripening buds can be several months. For each type of garden roses there is a growing season, which makes certain demands for nutrition and top dressing of roses in the summer.


Complex fertilizing of roses with application of fertilizers from organic and microelements is carried out in the summer. This contributes to the formation of new strong shoots and the restoration of the entire flower system. Spring stimulation of root and shoot growth is pruning. Autumn is the time for accumulating nutrients and preparing the plant for winter. Moreover, the main activities for the cultivation of roses depend on the type of plants: sticks and bush species.


Bush roses: soil, watering and top dressing

varieties of bush roses

To bush roses include the following varieties: Abracadabra, Anastasia, Berolina, Black Magic, Blue Parfume, Dolce Vita, Grand prix, Chrysler Imperial, Cordes diamond, Nicole, Osiana, Picadilly, Royal Velvet, Skyline and many other famous varieties whose names literally on hearing at gardeners.


what kind of soil is preferred for planting

Planted seedlings of shrub roses grow rapidly, turning into strong and hardy plants with beautifully flowering buds. Plant roses of this type are recommended for sunny glades and protected from the wind places with high ground water. The bush roses grow well and quickly in a severe weakly acidic soil, which transmits air and is rich in humus.


The soil around the plant bushes should be clean and without weeds, because the root system is located close to the surface.

The root system of roses of bush species has some biological features and is divided into lobes, skeletal and thick roots. Only small roots (lobes) are capable of sucking water.

landing recommendations

The basic skeletal roots, which are the conducting system, are the most stable and hold the plant in the soil.

Thick roots are a storage system of nutrients. Thus, the exchange between the external and internal root system of roses is organized.


The top layer of soil is often loosened, this will promote the development of the bush.

roses: planting and care

Depending on the variety, the distance between seedlings is chosen when planting.

How to plant roses seedlings, shown in the video.

Caring for roses from the bush is to cut out dried up stems and shoots, as well as wilted and dried flowers with a pedicel. In spring, when forming the outline of the crown of a bush, branches that violate the general background are cut, as well as blind shoots without buds formed. Kidneys, frozen or dry, are removed to a live, swollen kidney.

water properly the rose bush

Roses of bush species require moderate irrigation, which is carried out in the basal cavity. Sprinkle roses in 3 days to 1/5 buckets for each bush. Watering bushes is best early in the morning before the summer heat begins or in the evening.

watering roses

It is desirable that the leaves have time to dry before dark, excluding the possibility of fungal infection. After the first flowering and during budding, watering is intensified. In the second half of the summer period and the beginning of autumn, watering and loosening of the soil is reduced and practically reduced to a minimum.


top dressing

Top dressing is carried out in several stages, using humus, peat, urea and albumin solution. The last stage of feeding should coincide with the beginning of budding.


Little trick: to bud slowly blossomed and long kept a juicy color, produce top dressing with nitric acid potassium.

How to fertilize the plant, shown in this video.

Climbing roses: soil, care, watering and top dressing

Unlike the abundant variety of bush roses, the climbing rose in landscape design has only a few types (varieties). These are the following types:

• Rambler's Top100

• Climber

• Super-Rambler (Super Dorothy and Super Excelsa).

The rose variety Rambler has large inflorescences consisting of small flowers. Blooming is abundant, but only once.


Higher Climber roses (height can reach 4 meters) are distinguished by large flowers. This variety blooms twice and refers to roses blooming all summer. Selective varieties of Super-Rambler can bloom throughout the whole summer season.

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choose the soil for planting

Suitable soil for planting climbing roses are permeable loams with a fertile layer. Not suitable for planting sand and heavy clay.


Roses love sunny places, so preference is best given to ventilated and lit areas. We will suggest that it is recommended to exclude a landing place where any rose bushes were planted earlier.

planting and watering

The seedlings of the rose are flocked into the planting pits to a depth of 65 cm so that the plants do not experience discomfort. Pits for planting are located at a distance of 1 meter from each other. The root collar of the seedlings is immersed in the soil for 12 cm.


Watering roses are carried out once a week for 2 buckets under a bush. The roots of climbing roses can be located at a depth of up to a meter, so the plant needs an intensive feeding 2 times a year: in the spring during the planting of saplings and tillage in summer.

garter of lashes

Unlike the rose bush, the shoots of the climbing rose need a garter. Garter provides the conditions for the formation of a variety of buds. Each main lash of the plant gives several lateral shoots.


Therefore, to create a dense flowering carpet, the main branches are horizontally arranged and tied up. In the period of active budding, roses are complexly fed. To do this, use phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

This video tells how gardeners choose a stem of a climbing rose for planting.

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