Mauritanian lawn: choice of herbal mixture, planting time, step by step instructions on sowing.

  • admin
  • April 23, 2017
Mauritanian lawn: choice of herbal mixture, planting time, step by step instructions on sowing.

Beautiful and well-groomed lawns of landscaped areas, gardens and parks are charming at any time of the year. Juicy greens and bright flowers of the Moorish lawn, can not be confused with any other kind of lawn. Designers love this lawn and kindly share their advice.

The appearance in our landscape design of the Moorish lawn was preceded by the formed artistic style of the XIII century decoration of the lawns of medieval Spain. The mottled and blooming carpet of the lawn was a natural beauty resembling a spring meadow that absorbed the expressiveness and secret passion of Islamic Mauritania, and the cool charm of the oasis of the Mediterranean.


Mauritanian lawn-natural beauty

Today, the Moorish blooming lawn, as before, pleases the eye with the richness of colors, which are created, skillfully planted special mixtures of perennial grasses, flowers and herbs. Moreover, Europeans prefer this type of lawn for easy maintenance and the unique ability of the lawn to restore the lost natural balance of the site.


Landscape designers unanimously offer to buy a Moorish lawn, both for decorating small glades, and creating a small meadow. Moreover, the advantages of the Mauritanian lawn are in the agrotechnical practice of sowing and care of the natural cover and the classically selected mixture of grass mixtures.


Mixture of Moorish lawn

Grass mixture of grassy lawns is a mixture of perennial herb seeds, meadow and wildflowers, having a different flowering period.

Classical composition   Moorish lawn:

  • Rigras perennial / Festulolium - 18%
  • Fescue / meadow fescue -18%
  • Timothy grass meadow -18%
  • Rigras annual-18%
  • Hedgehog Team-18%
  • Clover meadow creeping -5%
  • The flower mixture is 5%.




  The basis of the lawn are known seeds of perennial cereals and not very well-known, such as Zhitnyak, Lagurus and Zubrovka fragrant.


As a percentage of the lawn mixture, perennial cereals are 80-90%, annual flowers account for 10-15%.

The norm of sowing of perennial cereals and flower mixture is:

  • 1 kg per 75-100 square meters. soils for large areas
  • 30 g per 5 sq.m. for small areas.


There is a tendency to reduce the rate of sowing of the lawn due to the accumulation of selection data for soil preparation and a reasonable increase in its fertility due to fertilizers.

flower blend

The flower mixture consists of early-flowering bulbous and meadow perennial flowers.

The most commonly used are early-budding bulbous flowers: Crocuses, Tulips, Narcissus, Sparrows and Luke-Anzur.

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From meadow (wild varieties) of perennial flowers, such plants are preferred for a mixture:

California and eastern poppies, meadow daisy, Gentian, Forget-me-nots, Mattiola, Bells, Snapdragon, Marigolds, Cornflowers, Primula, Phlox Drummond and Nasturtium. Every year the flower mixture is replenished by the efforts of breeders with new plant species introduced into the composition.

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we study quality of a grassy mix

For sowing the lawn, it is recommended to use a quality seed collection with an economic suitability of at least 75%, a homogeneous structure, without an unpleasant odor and grown in special nurseries no more than 3-4 years ago.

Otherwise, the seeds will not provide a friendly germination, let alone a blooming natural beauty.


Helpful Tips

Selecting a mixture for the lawn, it is necessary to provide the height of the grass of the Mauritanian lawn and flowers. For a low lawn with the height of plants up to 20 cm, seeds of herbs of mint, thyme, adonis of spring and lemon balm are used additionally. For a high grass stand, grasses and flowers with a bright and juicy aroma are selected, attracting bees and butterflies.


Selection of a mixture of early-flowering bulbous flowers will ensure a bright flowering lawn in early summer. After the flowering of the first flowers, a rich carpet will create meadow flowers.


The original looks a two-tier lawn from grown small flowers and taller cereals.

The main thing is to sow the Moorish lawn in time.


When and how to plant lawns

The timing of the sowing of the Mauritanian lawn determines the composition of grass mixtures and cereals. According to the owners of Mauritanian lawns it is early spring before the day temperatures reach 10-15 ° C. Before planting seeds, the site is prepared: deep plowing, fertilization, loosening and packing with a heavy roller. It is especially important to compact the surface layer on sandy and loamy soils.


The sowing of the lawn is carried out in a cross way, which makes it possible to achieve an even distribution of the landing mixture. Half of the seeds are introduced in one direction, the second across the sown direction. The lawn mixture is introduced into the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm.

A good advice is a step-by-step instruction for sowing.


Step-by-step instructions for sowing

Step 1

In the selected area, we release the soil from the weeds by treatment in dry, windless weather with a herbicide of continuous action with glyphosphate 2-3 times. After 2 weeks, the treated top layer is removed to a depth of 8 cm.

Step 2

A week before the planned planting of seeds we dig the soil of the lawn to a depth of 25 cm with the application of organic fertilizers, peat and sand.

Step 3

We are draining the section for rainwater runoff (3 degrees).

Step 4

After leveling the soil, the soil rolls the soil roller till a dense layer is formed, and we remove the formed mounds and hollows with the use of rakes.

Step 5

Moisten the surface of the lawn before adding the mixture. Seeds of the prepared mixture of the Mauritanian lawn are joined and mixed with fine sand in a proportion of 1: 3. Sowing meadow flowers can be made on the island system, sowing pre-grass grass.

Step 6

After the introduction of seeds into the soil, we layer the layer and make watering. Watering is preferably done by the method of sprinkling and fine-dispersed irrigation, eliminating the erosion and movement of seeds from the soil.

Step 7

We cover the lawn with a dense nonwoven material, providing a greenhouse effect for better germination. The time of germination of grass grass is 4-5 weeks.


Helpful Tips

Mauritanian lawn needs a full range of agrotechnical services: loosening, fertilizing and aeration. The best method of fertilizing is the introduction of complex fertilizers containing 4-5 micronutrients.

Moorish lawn

However, it is necessary to warn the owners of the "Mauritanian" that during the first planting year the lawn is not recommended for feeding. This is the time of adaptation of seedlings and life activity of the grass stand.

A mature and mature lawn is pruned after a flowering and seed formation at the end of autumn.

How to plant a gas mixture of your own, shown in the video.

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