Different foundations for different houses

  • admin
  • June 26, 2013
Different foundations for different houses

The foundation in many ways determines the reliability and durability of the building built on it and therefore it must be made qualitatively. More often experience and qualification of builders allows them to perform the erection of the foundation on "excellent". But there are unscrupulous stewards. Does the client want to shorten construction time? No problem - the builders answer. The cost of materials seems very large? Cheap - is the answer. The result of such an approach is predictable - the foundation is, as it were, and its bearing capacity is lower than required.

In order to prevent builders from committing violations and ensure the construction of a foundation in accordance with the project, the developer must know this process and be guided in the types of foundations.

The customer should clearly realize that the two most important factors influence the choice of the type of foundation: the construction of the building itself and the type of soil on which it is built. For a capital house of brick, in most cases the columnar foundation is not suitable. If you are offered to stop on such an option (to save money), you should be alerted. It is also necessary to know that for some types of soils (peat bogs, thixotropic soils), even a comparatively light construction requires a plate foundation.

In any case, you need to delve into the process and monitor the actions of the performers. Only with this approach can you expect to build a foundation of the required quality, in normal time and without unnecessary expenditure of financial resources.

The choice of type and capacity of the foundation should be based on objective data on the conditions in which the construction will be conducted. The main indicator is soil properties, which can be determined only in the process of engineering and geological surveys. If a low-rise building is being built, it is enough to drill 2-3 wells of ten-meter depth. The cost of exploration is small, but objective results can save significant funds.

The results of surveys are drawn up in the form of a report, which gives an opinion on the nature of the soil in the surveyed area. For a firm ground, the designer can choose the least expensive variant of the foundation, let's say a shallow belt. If, however, the bearing capacity of the ground is not sufficient - it is necessary to erect a slab foundation. In the case of uneven compression of the soil in terms of area and depth, pile driving of long lengths will be required. The choice of the type of foundation is also influenced by factors such as the depth at which the groundwater lies and the degree of their aggressive impact on concrete. The presence or absence of a basement is also important. Based on the conclusion of geologists, the designer makes the final decision.

Conclusion: it is necessary to conduct geological surveys before laying the foundation. In their absence, at best, it will be overpaid for the foundation, at worst - the construction can go cracked and completely destroyed.

The rejection of the foundation project is also undesirable. Although the development of the project lengthens the time and it is also necessary to pay for it, but it's worth it. Designed by all the rules and norms, the foundation is guaranteed to be of high quality, and can even shorten construction time.

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