Flowers on the windowsill

  • admin
  • November 19th, 2013
Flowers on the windowsill

If you like flowers, and agree that without them it will not be possible to create a truly cozy atmosphere at home, then this article is just for you. But in order for indoor flowers to grow and please all residents of the house or apartment, they need to create the right conditions. This is what we will talk about in our short article.

Room flowers on the windowsill - features of cultivation and care

At home, on the windowsill, you can grow, in principle, any indoor flowers. The most popular flowering indoor plants to date are spathiphyllum, orchids, violets, poinsettia, begonias, flowering cacti of various species. But, choosing indoor flowers for the house, it is not enough to be guided only by their external signs. It is necessary to know what exactly likes a flower you like. For example, cacti and pelargonium are the most non-selective plants. They do not require any special care or any specific type of soil, they are only occasionally watered. But even if they are not taken care of at all, forget to water, etc., then in such unfavorable conditions they will feel great, blossom and smell. Other species are more sensitive to the characteristics of growing, for example, orchid and hibiscus. Hibiscus prefers more frequent watering, is sensitive to the composition of the soil and temperature changes. Orchid can die from frequent watering. Water it only once a week, a small amount of warm, settled water. It requires a special soil consisting of bark of trees, especially they prefer pine bark, charcoal, fern roots and sphagnum moss. However, you can buy such a primer in a specialized flower shop. After purchase, the purchased soil, without unpacking it from the bag, should be lowered into a container with hot water and covered with a lid. Then it is more likely that it will be safe for the plant. This should be done with any primer for flowers bought in the store.

Caring for indoor flowers, we must take into account the frequency of their watering and transplanting, the composition of the soil and the level of humidity. Let's turn our attention to such an important component of caring for indoor flowers, like light.

Light for indoor plants

Sunlight is the source of life on our planet. All plants are attracted to the sun, and some species do not just love light, they need a lot of light, they are best placed on a flower stand on a window sill in a sunny room.

Indoor plants - Garden, indoor plants and flowers (photo, video, reviews) -

So they will be closer to the light and farther from the cold window sill and the frozen window glass in the winter.

If natural light is not enough, sometimes it is required to use special sources of bright artificial lighting, to some extent replacing the sunlight for the plant. All this is necessary in order to promote active growth of the flower.

When choosing flowers for growing them on the windowsill, take into account which side (north or south) windows are in your apartment or house. Different kinds of plants require different amounts of sunlight (or artificial light), so when choosing flowers, consider which side they will be on. The best conditions for light-loving flowers can be achieved in the south-west and south-east windows.

But why do the requirements for the illumination of a particular plant species vary so much? All this depends on where the flower came from, in what environment it grew. Some plants are accustomed to the hot tropical climate, while others grow in moist dark places under natural conditions.

Especially in good lighting, those plants need more space for growth, that is, those flowers that like to grow in open spaces. First of all, these are the flowers that were brought from the tropics, and are accustomed to the hot exotic climate. This category includes permanent residents of high mountains, meadows and hot savannas, as well as all plants of the desert, such as succulents and cacti, including most bulbous plants. Thus, giving light for indoor flowers (for some - more, for others - less), you can provide your pets one of the most essential of their vital needs.

Care of flowers on the windowsill

Everyone knows that the room flowers on the windowsill will be only then the decoration of the apartment and the pride of the hostess who grew them when taking care of them regularly and correctly, making certain efforts and applying systematically acquired knowledge.

So, if you do not give them enough light, this can lead to the fact that the leaves of the flowers wither, the plants will not bloom, and the fruit will develop.

All the moisture-loving flowers should be put pallets under the pots, filling them with expanded clay and so water. To the moisture-loving are such flowers as abutilone, aglaonema, alocasia, aloe, aspidistra, asplenium, afelandra, hippeastrum, gloxinia, guzmania, dracaena, calanchoe, cleavia, cicademus, koleus, livistone, maranta, monster, nephrolepis, oleander, pelea, syngonyum , spathiphyllum, stephanotis, stromant, scindapsus, filodendron, fitotonia, hamedorrhea, chlorophytum, hoveya, tsikas, cynia, cyperus, cissus. From drought-resistant - bokarneya, redsula, all kinds of cacti.

Of the most popular indoor plants, one can mention agleoneum. Behind the Aglaonema, a moisture-loving perennial plant native to the tropics, care is simple. In summer it should be systematically sprayed with water, in winter it should be watered down to once a week, and maintain a temperature regime that is desirable for winter about 15 degrees (lower in no case), in the summer - 22-24 degrees. Aglaonema - a lover of fresh air, but not drafts. The soil must be loose, consisting of a mixture of earth (leaf), moss, peat and sand. In summer, the flower is fertilized with watering a couple of times a month.

Transplanting flowers is a very important matter. Different approaches to different plants. But for all, there is one unchanging rule - after transplanting one should not place them in the sun, it would be best to wait until the flower has settled in a new place. Transplanting flowers, we must take into account their individual characteristics. So, the cleavage, just like the orchid, feels very well and gorgeously blooms when its pot is somewhat cramped. Orchids and all bulbous cultures can not be buried when transplanted, otherwise they will not grow. When transplanting it is necessary to follow, so as not to injure the roots. A pot for orchids is chosen in the flower shop completely transparent, with many holes. Many plant species generally will not suffer a transplant, even performed correctly, if they are transplanted at an inappropriate season (for example, in winter).

When placing house flowers on the windowsill, consider that they can not survive the winter airing of the apartment and die from hypothermia when a stream of cold frosty air is directed directly at them and a strong draft is created. If the leaves touch the frozen window, then you can also lose them.

Therefore, take care of the room colors correctly, and they will thank you with their beautiful fresh appearance, rapid flowering and excellent mood!

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