How to choose the right air conditioner, the advantages of inverter air conditioners, the selection of models for a particular room.

  • admin
  • April 22, 2016
How to choose the right air conditioner, the advantages of inverter air conditioners, the selection of models for a particular room.

If a couple of decades ago, a domestic air conditioner in an apartment was considered a rare phenomenon, and if it was present, it was most likely the simplest model installed on the window. Split systems were discussed in isolated cases. Today, even with the choice of climate technology, most consumers are not interested in conventional air conditioners, but with inverter-type devices. Therefore, it makes sense to consider in more detail the operation principle of air conditioners of this type, their features and note the advantages that they possess.

How do air conditioners work: the main components and mechanisms of air cooling systems

In order to better understand the advantages of inverter air conditioners, one should study the general principle of their operation. The design of air conditioners includes:

  • throttles,
  • compressors,
  • capacitors,
  • evaporators

To form a refrigerant circuit, all these components are connected by means of copper tubes.


The transfer of refrigerant in the tube is accompanied by its transition from the gaseous state to liquid and vice versa. Each stage of the phase transition leads to the absorption / release of heat energy transmitted to the space surrounding the air conditioner.

The responsibility for the life of such a system is borne by the compressor, which ensures the compression of the refrigerant and its circulation, naturally this process requires the lion's share of energy from all that is consumed by the system.

What is the work of the cooling system? For a conventional air conditioner, the completion of the working phase of the compressor occurs when the air reaches the set temperature, when, at the end of time, the system registers a decrease or increase in the temperature of the surrounding space to a certain level - the compressor is restarted.

Frequent change of working and non-working phases creates significant starting loads on the entire electric circuit and on the compressor in particular, with starting currents usually exceeding the nominal values ​​by 5-7 times. Naturally, such processes have an extremely negative impact on the entire system and accelerate the wear process of the compressor units and mechanisms. It is very difficult to talk about effective energy consumption in this mode of operation.

What is an inverter in the air conditioner

Like the well-known fact that the light bulb burns out faster is not the one that works more hours continuously, but the one that more often undergoes the on-off procedure. The reason is in extreme loads, which are experienced by devices in the electrical circuit at the time of launch.

Unfortunately, this rule applies to absolutely all household appliances working in our house. The work of inverter systems, which are used to control the compressor, is completely different. Achieving the set temperature is not a reason for the complete shutdown of the unit - the system simply reduces the engine speed, resulting in a decrease in the performance of the device to the desired values.


As the temperature rises, the engine speed will increase and the compressor will work more efficiently. Adjustment of this kind became possible due to the process of inverting, which consists in converting the alternating current into a constant one, and it was also possible to correct the engine rotation speed over a wider range.

Differences inverter air conditioners

Among the most important differences in inverter air conditioners, one should remember: High efficiency, power consumption of such models is lower than that of conventional ones by approximately 30-40%, inverter split systems have an energy efficiency coefficient of about 4 to 5 EER units.


Achieving the set temperature when using invert models is much faster. Equipped with a microprocessor-controlled system, the system automatically selects the required level of heating or cooling, it will take two times less to achieve the necessary time parameters than in the case of the non-inverter system.

The set temperature is maintained exactly, the deviations can be no more than 0.5 ° C. The small revolutions at which the fans of the indoor and outdoor unit operate allow to reduce the noise level to twenty twenty decibels quite comfortable for a person. Refrigerants R32 and R410A used in inverter models are not likely to have a destructive effect on the ozone layer, low energy consumption does not even indirectly affect the environment, i.e. it can be argued that we are talking about eco-friendly systems.

In the cold season, with the help of inverter air conditioners, it is possible to heat the premises, and its efficiency will be much higher compared to any other electric heater. The only condition is that the temperature of the air in the street should not be below -25 C. The operation of inverter-type devices does not exert a large load on the mains, which is facilitated by the absence of large starting currents during the compressor start-up.


If we talk about shortcomings, we should immediately note that they are less significant than the advantages, among them one should name:

  • The higher cost of inverter devices relative to their non-inverter analogs.
  • The propensity of the electronic control system is more sensitive to voltage surges.
  • The solid weight of the unit, placed outside.
  • Repair, as a result of the presence of electronic components in the design, can be quite complicated.

Taking into account all the pros and cons, we can confidently conclude that if long-term and efficient operation of the air conditioner is planned throughout the year and there is a desire to receive maximum comfort in the house with minimum energy costs, then the selection of the inverter model should be stopped. The same opinion is shared by specialists.

On the differences of the air-conditioning units we watch the video:

How to choose a room air conditioner


Stop the choice of the inverter model should be when the room has special requirements for the temperature regime, in particular - in a residential house it can be a children's room, in the office - a room in which there are servers or premises where equipment that requires a stable temperature , many people work, etc. It is especially important to take into account the planned changes that can cause a temperature increase:

  • increase the equipment in the room,
  • relocation into it of more employees.

A positive factor in favor of choosing an inverter system will be a low noise level, published by it in the process of work, the absence of thermal vibrations perceptible by people and technology.


The optimal choice will be an inverter air conditioner and in the event that there is a desire to constantly receive energy savings. Inverter air conditioner, the price of which is slightly higher than usual, will create a microclimate ideal for living or working a person, i.e. the cost of such models pays off in full, above all an increased level of comfort and coziness.

When choosing an air conditioner, it is recommended to take into account the orientation of the facade of the room - if the windows are located on the south side, then equipment should be chosen with a power reserve, this approach will increase the service life of the climate technology, as a consequence of removing excessive load on the compressor.

One more clue from the experts. Since split systems of any type are divided by power, it is not superfluous to take into account the performance indicators, which indicate the manufacturer. A higher value means that the device is able to heat or cool the air in a larger area:

  • for a space of 15 square meters. m will be enough indicator 7,
  • if the area is about 25 square meters. m - 9,
  • for an area not exceeding 35 sq.m. you need indicator 12,
  • if the area is 50 square meters - 18,
  • an area of ​​about 70 sq.m will require an indicator of 24.

Models of air conditioners

At this point, you can stay on the most popular and popular consumer models:

  • Samsung,
  • Lg,
  • Cooper Hunter,
  • Gree.


Samsung - AR5100  modern, worthy of attention split system, the distinctive characteristics of which are:

  • the fan of the increased size,
  • v-shaped shape of the blades.

These features enable:

  • get more air out,
  • increase the intensity of the air flow,
  • ensure comfortable and rapid cooling of air - thanks to the design features of the filter,
  • economically spend electricity using a single user mode,
  • for a long time, protect the surface of the housing, engine and blades from corrosion due to high-quality coating.

Watch a video about air conditioners Samsung:


Benefits split systems Gree - U-CROWN-II VIOLET  are that thanks to the new design inverter it became possible to operate at temperatures from -30 C in winter and up to +54 C in summer. The model has an energy efficiency class A +++, its operation is provided by an integrated two-stage compressor.


Cooper Hunter - VIP INVERTER, a new model from a well-known manufacturer, it can be operated at a temperature not lower than -30 ° C, the energy efficiency class -А +++ Class Energy Efficiency - Generation IV, allows you to get energy savings of about 60%.


The device is operated by a reliable compressor unit. Announcement of the model took place last summer, but by the summer of this year, experts predict a peak of its popularity.



Air conditioners Lg invective  still occupy one of the leading positions in the market, their lineup this year was replenished with a stylish and high-performance novelty, the lg instigator - Artcool Stylist A09IWK. An attractive look will allow it to seamlessly fit into the interior of any style. Among the positive qualities of the model should be noted:

  • elegant design,
  • organized by the technology of 3D airflow distribution,
  • manufacturer's warranty for 10 theta,
  • convenient and simple control panel,
  • high efficiency in the fight against dust - thanks to powerful filters that purify the air.


The announcement of the novelty took place in 2017, this year the company expects recognition by its users. Let's see a video about the advantages of air conditioners Lg ^

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