Infrared heaters, how to choose

  • admin
  • October 30th 2013
Infrared heaters, how to choose

Not for the first year, infrared heaters are used to efficiently heat the premises. Like the sun, warming its rays, heaters of this type carry heat to our homes in the infrared range. Due to such a specific feature and unique technical properties, the infrared heater almost instantly and with minimal energy consumption allows heating the room to a comfortable temperature level, bypassing the formation of unpleasant noise or smell. How to choose the most suitable infrared heater? What parameters should be considered when buying it?

The scope of infrared heaters

Infrared heaters, despite the obvious advantages over traditional heating devices, are more often found in offices and shops, and only in rare cases are to be installed in residential premises. Their widespread distribution is constrained by only one factor - a high price.

Principle of operation

A little physics: it is known that heated objects emit electromagnetic waves, perceived by man as heat. Spectrally, this radiation is somewhat higher than the red light, for which it is called infrared radiation. IR radiation can be near, medium and far wave.

A slightly heated object emits long-wave infrared waves invisible to the human eye. The higher the temperature of heating the object, the shorter the wavelength. In this case, the object studies the waves first in the medium-wave infrared range, and then in the near-wave range. An increase in the radiation intensity is observed. As the temperature of the object rises, the spectrum moves to the visible region, when a person is already able to perceive radiation as a glow - red, yellow and, finally, white. This unique physical phenomenon underlies the development and creation of modern infrared heaters. In reality, a heater of this type does not heat the air, but heats the surrounding objects, which in the future are secondary sources of thermal radiation.

The principle of operation of an infrared heater for a house resembles the effect of sun rays with only one exception - in the process of work does not form ultraviolet radiation, although it emits an infrared spectrum. Heat emitted by the device permeates the air, heating it partly from the surface of the equipment, then transferring to the heated objects. In this case, the degree of surface heating directly depends on the angle of incidence of the heat rays, the shape, material and color of the heated surface.

More information about the advantages of an infrared heater can be found in the video on youtube.

It should be noted that infrared sources of heating are to be installed on the ceiling surface.

This method of installation will allow you to get the greatest thermal effect with minimal electricity consumption. At the same time, wall and floor models of infrared heaters are also very popular.

Choosing an infrared heater

When buying an IR heater, do not choose the first model you like. On the way to the right choice, you are waited by pitfalls and unforeseen difficulties, which our advice will help to sort out.

So, when choosing an IR heater, you should pay attention to the main and most important elements of the heating device:

  1. plate,
  2. teng,
  3. housing,
  4. foil,
  5. insulator.


In the process of visual inspection of the heating appliance, carefully inspect the plate, which should be monophonic without any stains and stains. Find the thickness of the anodized layer: a product with an anodizing layer of less than 15 μm should not be bought, since such a plate will burn after 2-3 years, but a plate with an anodizing layer of 25 μm plate will serve 20-25 years. Unfortunately, the thickness of the layer can be checked only in the factory, and you still have to trust the words of the manager.


As a material for the manufacture of the hull, honest manufacturers use stainless steel. However, if the body is made of ordinary metal, then the device is recommended to operate in a room with a normal level of humidity.


The heater housing is not only a design, but also the most effective engineering solution. Manufacturers paint the body with powder paint, resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations and aggressive external environment. It makes no sense to paint the inner surface of the case, it only increases the cost of the device. Therefore, pay attention not to the external inspection of the housing, but to the internal one, then inspect the electrical connection area and make sure there is no rust on the metal of the housing.


A foil with a thickness of at least 120 microns guarantees you an economical and highly efficient IR heater. Being a reflector of heat rays, the foil directs them towards the floor, excluding heating the ceiling surface.

Visual inspection of the material should exclude mines or possible defects in thickness. To check the thickness, just poke the ballpoint pen into the foil layer, as if you want to put a dot on it. The foil punctured? Hence its thickness does not reach 100 microns. But with a thickness of 120 microns, the foil will spring.


Its main function is reliable protection of the device body from heating. Pay attention to the material of the insulator manufacturing: it must be reliable, and most importantly, safe for humans. It perfectly copes with its functions of glass wool and asbestos, however, when using a poor-quality insulator, such materials can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. To ensure the quality of the insulator, require its hygienic certificate, take a closer look at the remaining parts of the device.


Carefully inspect the wires, make sure they are complete, equipped with kembrikami and tips.


When choosing an IR heater, pay attention to the power of the device. It is believed that for a comfortable heating of an area of ​​less than 10 square meters. m. You need an IR heater with a power of 1000 watts. When buying a heating device for cottages, experts recommend choosing the device at a rate of 130 watts per 1 square. m. area, since in the absence of a man the walls cool down, condensate forms and accumulates on various surfaces and ceilings. Increased humidity significantly increases the heating time.

Since household infrared heaters with a capacity of more than 1500 watts are not produced, effective heating of the area of ​​more than 10-15 square meters. m. will require you to purchase and install several heaters, evenly located around the perimeter.


When choosing a manufacturer, experts recommend giving preference to European brands, but their cost is much higher than Russian counterparts, and the quality is not much better. This feature is due to the high cost of labor in Europe. Therefore, many European manufacturing plants prefer to develop their production in China, which is known for its cheap labor and expendable raw materials.

Enjoy the shopping!

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