Steam room is a place of solitude and relaxation. Pure, light and warm. From the heated stones comes a reverent and healing heat. Silent minerals know the secrets of this steam room. How is it recommended to choose sauna stones for a private private house?
Important point: the feeling of a stone
Visiting once a hot room baths or saunas, permanently remembered the constant and necessary attribute - a heater. It is the stones for the steam room, heated to a high temperature, are evaporators and accumulating elements in the formation of heat.
In addition to radiating a pleasant and tormenting heat, the stones are the final element of the interior design of the steam room. The stone, in itself, becomes the sole subject of the steam room.
The process of contemplating a heated stone in the stove and the tactile perception of the sensation of "water-stone-heat" is the meaning of the bath or sauna. But the stones for the steam room must be chosen correctly. How to choose the best stone for a bath, and whether it exists in nature?
Stones, pebbles and stones
From the incredible variety of the world of stones, not everyone can be used for the steam room. Stones designed for a bath container must have certain properties:
• be an excellent battery when taking and raising the temperature of the steam room
• Do not crack when the temperature drops from water ingress
• to have the same coefficient of thermal expansion
• have a uniform rounded shape and a smooth surface.
Such properties are possessed by stones that have been subjected to natural hardening for a long time: they bask in the sun and are abundantly watered. These are stones of volcanic origin.
The magmatic rocks formed after the eruption by the volcano and frozen in nature take a special respect. Having received high pressure and temperature, the stones are highly heat-resistant specimens.
Such gifts from Vesuvius are natural silicates. By the way, except for stones of volcanic origin, the most suitable stones for the steam room in the bath are jadeite, talcochlorite, basalts, diabase and gabbro-diabase, dunite, porphyrite. These are overbased and basic stone rocks used for steam rooms. Stones for the bath, which is better to choose? Let's find out which stones are preferable to choose when organizing a steam room, a sauna or a sauna.
The most popular stone for a bath or steam room is bath jadeite. It is a mineral of the group of alkaline pyroxenes, which includes: SiO2, Al2O3, NaO. The mineral of light green color has a viscous structure and density of 3.5 g / cc.
Main characteristics:
• specific heat - 0.88 kJ / kg ° C
• coefficient of thermal conductivity - 2.30-3.60 kql / (m * h * C)
• coefficient of thermal linear expansion - 0.35-0.46 10 in the 5th degree * 1 / С.
The accumulating properties of jadeite are excellent.
In addition, polished jadeite stones are used not only for baths and steam rooms, but also for cooling cocktails.
Legends are about the magical properties of the jadeite stone. Jadeite stabilizes nervousness and psyche, instilling sanity and balance. After visiting the steam room, where there is a jadeite, you literally learn to avoid conflict situations, because you felt your own superiority and strength.
But let's return from the field of esotericism back to the steam room and learn more about the stones for the bath.
No less popular among fans of saunas and steam rooms is the soapstone, which is a mineral of metamorphic origin from igneous rocks. A stone of gray color has a homogeneous structure throughout the surface, consisting of magnesite and talc.
Main characteristics:
• specific heat - 0,98 kJ / kg ° C
• coefficient of thermal conductivity - 6 W / m ° C
• coefficient of thermal expansion - 0,001% / ° C.
Stone soapstone is able to withstand a temperature of 1600 °.
Due to the high density of matter, it is necessary to accumulate energy of heat as much as possible.
Karelian gabbro-diabase is a full-crystalline basaltic. The structure of gabbro-diabase is massive medium-grained, the color is dark gray.
It is noted that the stone has a common coefficient of heat expansion in all directions. Gabbro-diabase is considered a pure breed with an insignificant radiation background.
However, you should warn the gullible reader that you should not collect any stones anywhere. All parameters and physical characteristics of stones, including particle size distribution and thermal conductivity, are determined by laboratory analysis and analysis.
Naturally, research can be done in specialized laboratories, which determine, first of all, the radiometric purity of the mineral. Therefore, to buy stones for a bath is preferable in shops specializing on sale.
Helpful Tips
Absolutely not suitable for steam room sea stones. So do not rush to drag the stones from the "Shalyapin grotto," while cutting off the hands and handles of the bags. Stones do not "sing" in the steam room, that's for sure. The only way to apply them later is to pave them with a garden path.
We select and lay stones for the steam room
The optimal version of the container for the stones are rounded stones of small shape, through which the air of the furnace freely circulates. Naturally, each furnace container has its own dimensions. But the smaller the volume of the container, the smaller the size of the stones.
It is advisable to arrange the stones as follows: lay down larger ones, then stones of medium size, and stones are placed upward. Verify that the grill between the combustion chamber of the stove and the stone container is minimally blocked. Stones with sharp protruding edges can be trimmed a little - to produce a kind of embankment.
Helpful Tips
If you still decided to collect stones for the steam room, then it is recommended to choose cobbles without cracks. Check the stones for strength and integrity, as well as heat resistance. Hit the stones against each other, heat in a fire, pour water. If nothing has happened to the stones, then this is your stone.