How to properly prepare for the winter frame pool, useful tips

  • admin
  • August 02, 2014
How to properly prepare for the winter frame pool, useful tips

A frame pool is definitely a good thing. But only here the swimming season on the vast expanses of our Motherland does not last long. Irreversibly approaching winter, and already such a favorite water in the summer begins to turn into an unpleasant problem, the question arises - how to store a frame pool in the winter? There are exactly two options. The first is to drain the water, wash the pool thoroughly, dry it and remove it for the winter in a warm place. The disadvantages can be attributed to the fact that in spring the whole construction will have to be laid out again, which is not always convenient. The second option is to leave the pool to spend the winter on the street, having previously mothballed. Despite all the seeming "cruelty", this method is the most preferable, and allows you to successfully save the pool until the next season. We will discuss it in detail in this material.

What needs to be done before the frost

frame pool in winter

  • Before the onset of the first serious frosts, the frame pool for winter should be preserved.
  • Do not leave the bowl empty for the winter.
  • Before filling the "conservative" water, carefully clean the walls and the bottom.
  • When working with chemical cleaning agents, it is necessary to observe safety rules - work in gloves and rubber boots, and do not let the solution leak out.
  • It is mandatory to install expansion expansion joints inside the pool bowl.

To ensure that your skeleton pool not only successfully wintered, but continued to please you with impeccable service for many more years, you must take extremely seriously all the necessary measures for its conservation. The very first and most important rule - do not pull, catch the canned pool before the first, really serious frosts. Based on the experience of owners of outdoor pools, we can conclude that the pool will remain much better, if throughout the winter in the tank there will be water. And it's not just about preserving the inner lining of the pool. The earth, constantly thawing and freezing throughout the winter, has a constant load on the tank, which can lead to significant damage to the pool bowl. Water in the skeleton pool can significantly reduce these loads.

Chemicals for a skeleton pool for the winter

Chemistry for swimming pools

All of the above does not mean that you can simply take and freeze in the pool water that you used throughout the summer. This is unacceptable, and this water must be drained. Before pouring in the bowl "conservative" water, the entire capacity of the pool must be very carefully cleaned of dirt and plaque.

pool cleaning

This work is carried out using soft brushes and chemicals. The choice of chemicals depends on the type of interior coating of the pool, especially the choice of chemicals, if the pool has a film coating. In the process of working, do not neglect elementary protection means, work with gloves and rubber boots, as the chemicals for cleaning the pools are quite aggressive.

After the cleaning of the walls and the bottom is finished, the container must be rinsed several times. All the water that remained after rinsing must be removed manually. Now you can start cleaning up the plaque and scum of all the metal parts - stairs, handrails, backlight, etc. All electrical wires should be carefully disconnected, carefully insulated and taken out of the container.

Initially, the water for preservation should be poured to the usual level. After that you can start working with the filtration system. It is included in the backwashing mode, strictly following the instructions, because, for example, if you switch the filter valve during operation, the filter system may simply fail. When the backwashing is complete, the filter is set to work in the compaction mode, then to the normal operation mode. In this case, a preservative is added to the water, which will prevent the propagation of algae and microorganisms in the water. It will ensure the purity and sterility of water before the onset of the first severe frosts. Water with a preservative should be filtered in normal mode for several hours. Then part of the water must be drained - about 10 centimeters below the nozzles.

Frame pool: instructions for conservation for the winter

expansion joints

After the water is ready for conservation, it is necessary to install water expansion expansion joints in the pool. For this purpose, objects that are able to compress under external pressure are used. It can be low-backed car cameras, pieces of plastic foam, plastic bottles. Compensators must be siped using small loads. Just do not tie the load to the compensator with a wire. For this purpose it is better to use an ordinary twine. One of the best options for installing expansion joints is to sink cans in the center of the canister, and place pieces of foam on the sides, about 10 centimeters from the side of the pool. In this case, the foam should be spread as evenly as possible, and the total length of the pieces must be at least half of the perimeter of the entire container.

installation of expansion joints

When the installation of the expansion joints is completed, it is possible to begin complete dismantling of all components and components of the hydraulic system - water filtration unit, counterflow device, heating system, etc.

All nodes that can not be dismantled need to be freed from residues of water and plugged with special plugs. In addition, it is recommended to cover the trisk and skimmer with blanking plugs for winter preservation. Nishi, where previously there were lighting fixtures, skimmer niches, as well as nozzles that are below the water level, must also be covered with foam plugs. Then the filter is disconnected from the system, the water is drained from the filter, quartz sand is removed, which must be carefully poured into a separate container or linen bag. The filter housing is thoroughly cleaned of sand residues and retired for storage.

Cover the water mirror

we cover a mirror of water for the winter

Do not need to use for this purpose some homemade designs, especially from wood or metal. Such amateur performance can easily lead to damage to the pool bowl, especially if the improvised coating rests against the sides of the tank. To cover the pool for the winter, it is necessary to use specially designed coatings that can be used for a whole year. In the summer they will protect your frame pool from getting dirt and leaves, and also from excessive overheating and cooling. In winter, they serve as a means of preserving the capacity. The awning for the frame, which is supposed to be used in winter, should be strong enough to withstand the weight of the snow cover.

Recall that the purpose of conservation of the frame pool for the winter is to reduce the load on the hull. Therefore, ice inside the bowl must be protected and in no case should try to cut, prick and otherwise damage it. In this case, ice fragments can easily damage the interior coating of the pool. It is possible to decontaminate the pool only after the ice inside it completely melts on its own.

We hope, within the framework of this article, we gave an exhaustive answer to the question - how to store the frame pool in the winter? But still for a quality conservation of the frame pool you need to work hard. Many owners of swimming pools may be unhappy with such a long list of necessary measures. However, it is not necessary to do all this work yourself. In any case, the services of the team, which will provide proper care for the skeleton pool, will cost you less than eliminating problems or even buying a new pool in the spring.

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