Semi-buried cellar, what is it, choose a place for a cellar, a step-by-step construction of a semi-buried cellar, useful tips

  • admin
  • 01-Apr-2017
Semi-buried cellar, what is it, choose a place for a cellar, a step-by-step construction of a semi-buried cellar, useful tips

Experts advise in the construction of the cellar to take into account hydrogeological conditions, placement on the site and selection of materials from which the storage will be built. We will not hide, the arrangements of the device of a semi-buried cellar are labor-intensive and costly. Therefore, use the helpful advice of the masters who once built this kind of cellar.

What is a semi-buried cellar

It is impossible to imagine a good life without the operation of a properly equipped cellar, a traditional storehouse for vegetables and food. The construction of each type of cellar: ground, recessed or semi-deep combines the general rules and stages of the device.


Semi-buried cellar is located in the ground half or 1/3, leaving most of the room above the surface.

However, to create a semi-buried cellar design, the characteristic criteria are groundwater locations and soil type for water saturation. Let's say that the merit of a semi-buried cellar is the low demand for the location of groundwater.


For the device, a pit is used up to 1 m deep. In addition, for a partial penetration the volume of excavation works is less, which significantly reduces the consumption of waterproofing and materials for construction and the device of the internal space.


Helpful Tips

It is known that the favorable conditions of a semi-buried cellar are: a darkened room, a constant influx of clean air, a temperature regime from +2 to -5 ° C, relative humidity not exceeding 95%. To achieve comfortable environment characteristics, it is important to choose the right location based on the characteristics of the ground.


How to choose a place for a cellar

Recall that the hand-held device of the cellar does not require a building permit from the supervisory authorities. Therefore, you have to take everything on your shoulders and start building with a search for a place, design and planning of construction. It is recommended to choose a dry area under the cellar, away from water bodies and places of accumulation of moisture.


Particular attention in designing a semi-buried cellar with their own hands is given to the location of the entrance door. It does not hurt to remember that the front door facing the north side in the summer will create a cooler microclimate. It will not hurt to analyze the soils in order to clarify the possibility of flooding. The cellar does not suit on clayey and rocky soils, as well as soils with increased water saturation.


The best variant of the soil is peat and sandy loam. Such a primer is easy to remove when laying a trench, it is easy for them to fill the overlap.

If it is planned to place the cellar on the wetland low-lying soil, it is necessary to provide for the creation of sand and gravel podsypki, separating the construction of the storage of groundwater impact.


Technology of building a semi-buried cellar

The technology of creating a semi-buried cellar practically does not differ from the construction of a "subway". The difference lies in the lower depth of excavation. Step by step the construction of a semi-buried cellar consists of activities for the underground and ground parts:

Underground part

• underground excavations - excavation

• the device of the base (bottom) of the cellar - the excavation of the land, leveling and tamping

• foundation and flooring

• erection of walls and their embedment

• Waterproofing of the cellar - walls and foundation.


Ground part

• installation of a pipe-supply exhaust with ventilation function

• creating an overlap with subsequent backfilling with excavated soil

• installation and insulation of the door, and the construction of the stairs.


the foundation ditch, foundation floor and foundation

At the stage of preparation of the foundation, it is necessary to perform: digging of the pit, foundation casting and waterproofing of the floor.


The depth of excavation is chosen in accordance with the depth of groundwater, taking into account the possibility of creating layers: waterproofing and drainage.


The only mandatory is the external waterproofing part of the cellar, which is below the ground, using for this purpose bitumen mastic and impregnation.

The basement floor is made of adobe, concrete or brick.



After the installation of the base, they move to the erection of the walls of the cellar, raising them to a height of 2 m, followed by pouring a solution between the formwork and the walls of the pit.

The stage of erection of walls assumes carrying out of actions: stackings of the first number, the device of ventilating apertures, installation of mortgages for shelves and racks of storage, external waterproofing.


The walls of the semi-buried cellar are erected from burnt red brick, concrete and foam blocks, the creation of walls in a shuttering form from the cinder block is permissible for dry substrates. To make the walls of the best waterproof qualities, taking into account the appearance of condensation in the cellar, they are cemented with cement mortar.


It should be remembered that the feature of semi-deepened cellars is the entrance device in the side wall. Therefore, during the design phase, it is necessary to provide for the placement of an entrance door at the level of the floor and the stairs to the underground part. For the insulated door it is necessary to provide a platform with a pad width of 50 cm.


we make waterproofing

At this stage of creating a semi-buried cellar, it is necessary to provide waterproofing and ventilation. We will suggest that the optimal variant of the waterproofing of the cellar is the application of penetrating waterproofing from the inside.


establish the pipe ventilation

Semi-buried cellar must be provided with fresh air, so the question: "How to make ventilation in the cellar" should be aimed at creating a pipe structure of the supply and exhaust system.

Therefore, it will be necessary to create two holes for the installation of pipes.

In the brick walls, the first hole under the ventrubes is left in the 3-4 lower row of the masonry.


The second is done in the opposite corner at a height of 1.7 m from the floor. For the holes for the pipes in the masonry leave a square niche section 25x25 cm, which after the installation of pipes are closed. In the pipe we install a plastic air duct, in the upper part of which we place a strainer. Ventilation operates on the principle of extraction: one tube supplies clean air, the second pipe draws air masses.

How to build-your-hands-cellar-right-device-ventilation

floor installation

Installation of the floor consists of the stages: the erection and laying of beams, the installation of a ceiling in the cellar and the overlapping with subsequent backfilling with the extracted soil.

The recommended technology is considered basic, but it does not hurt to create a semi-buried cellar on the slope.

How to build-your-hands-locked-cellar

Helpful Tips

Recently, there is a tendency to build a semi-buried cellar in a niche slope, a feature of which is the creation of a upland drainage ditch with a depth of 70 cm, which is located obliquely.

The practice of creating such cellars confirms, in addition to the drainage device, the preparation of an adobe floor from coarse-grained sand of a fraction of 5-10 mm, crushed stone and clay in a ratio of 1: 1-2.


The clay mixture is laid and compacted. For the construction of the overlap (drill) on the slope, thin logs are used, on top of which a lining up to 30 cm thick is made. But the door is constructed of small dimensions and is well insulated from the outside.

How to make a semi-buried cellar by yourself, shown in the video.

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