The rafters of the gable roof: calculator calculator, installation of rafters.

  • admin
  • June 28, 2017
The rafters of the gable roof: calculator calculator, installation of rafters.

The most important stage in the construction of the house after the construction of the walls is the installation of the roof. This will continue finishing work in any weather. In its design, the roof can be of different shapes if you do not want to complicate the progress of construction and spend more planned, then you should choose a gable roof. How to calculate the amount of material for its installation, and we will tell you about the process of construction in this article.

Gable roof at home

This type of roof is the most popular in private housing construction. It will reliably protect the construction from atmospheric precipitation and is able to withstand a large load. Its great advantage is also small costs.

Her positive features include:

  • simple design and installation;
  • a large selection of building materials for its construction;
  • it will allow organizing an attic or living space;
  • you can install this roof on their own.

In addition, a gable roof is a great option for household buildings. This type of roof consists of two slopes connecting on the skate. From the end of the building, it has the appearance of a triangle called a pediment. Like any design, it consists of several parts, and each carries its functional load.

The gable roof includes the following elements:

  • mauerlat - This is a supporting beam located in the upper part of the opposite walls and transfers the load from the roof to the walls of the house, for it you can use a beam of conifers with a size of 100 or 150 mm;
  • rafter legs - They are mounted in both sides of the roof and form a triangle, they are connected on the skate, for them the wolf board is at least 50 mm in thickness;
  • racks - are the grounds for rafters and they are installed strictly steeply at the site of the ridge, they are made from a beam with a cross section of 100 or 150 mm;
  • run - This is a horizontal bead that rests on the racks and is located parallel to Mauerlat and performs the power function, for it a beam with a cross section of 100, 150 mm is used;
  • puff - this element is designed to connect the rafter legs and does not allow the frame to diverge to the sides, it is perpendicular to the first element;
  • sill - a supporting beam installed on the internal load -bearing wall, it is to it that racks are attached to fix the power system;
  • straws - inclined supports fixed at an angle to the rafters, in this way a stable module is obtained that can withstand heavy loads;
  • crate - These are boards, a beam or plywood fixed on the rafters for the installation of roofing material, its step depends on its weight.

The presence of these parts depends on the specific design and area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, but now you know which elements you can make the design strong and generally build the roof.


Calculator calculator of the rafter system of the gable roof

Starting work, it is necessary to calculate the design of the roof, namely the number of rafters. Based on the data obtained, you can purchase the necessary material. All this can be done manually, or you can resort to the help of online calculators.

calculation of the rafter system of the gable roof

It is easy to use such a service. You are invited to choose a roofing material from the list, and then indicate the dimensions of the house (width and length of the base) indicate 10*10 m. It is also necessary to specify the length of the roof overhangs 50 cm.


To facilitate the task, all values \u200b\u200bcan be viewed on the diagram.


The next step indicates the stepal step, the parameters of the boards.


Another of the important parameters is a snow load. It must be taken into account, otherwise the roof simply cannot withstand the load. It’s easy to do it on the resource. Choose the number of our region on the map, in a particular case, this is I.

Nameless 4

In addition, it is necessary to calculate the wind load. To do this, select the number of the region III, the height of the skate and the type of place of residence.


Now it remains to click the "Calculate" button. After that, the system issues the following data. Moreover, you can choose the necessary cross -section of the rafters from several proposed options. Such a calculation can be printed and go to the construction market.



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Installation of the rafter system of the gable roof

It is not so difficult to mount the rafters, just all the stages must be performed sequentially. It is necessary to start with the installation of Mauerlat, and in houses from logs they are the upper crown. If the house is made of brick, then it must be laid on waterproofing from the inside of the wall.

It can be attached to the wall with several methods:

  • on the reinforcing belt with the help of studs;
  • on the studs fixed in the wall of the house;
  • with the help of Katan.

The latter method is suitable for small houses and roofs with low sailing.

The rafters can be mounted with a couple of ways:

  1. collect the structure on the ground and raise it up;
  2. collect everything at the installation site.

Choosing a method of installation is everyone's personal business. The only thing should be said that it will be much more convenient to work on the template. It is he who will help adjust the size of the product.

The template is done as follows:

  • we take two boards a little longer than the rafters themselves, and are installed at the top in the form of the future structure;
  • aligned vertically, and the top of the skate must correspond to the drawing;
  • we fix them with a nail;
  • next, adjust the angle of inclination and connect the boards with the bar, which achieve hard fixation;
  • next, adjust the rafters according to the model and fasten them.

When the rafters are collected, it is necessary to attach from Mauerlat. This can be done in several ways:
Reliable The mount allows you to avoid any negative impact on the connection. This is achieved through the use of metal corners or bars.
Sliding. It is recommended for wooden houses and has two degrees of freedom. The rafters themselves are a mobile part. To do this, make cuts and fix the place of contact with two nails clogged at an angle. And you can use a metal plate with holes for nails. This is convenient if it turns out that one of the rafters is above the others can be lowered to the desired level.


Installation of the crate on top of the old roof

There are situations when the old roof cannot be disassembled without causing damage to the rafters. In this case, you can lay a new coating on the old roof.

To do this, we need the following materials and tools:

  • a hammer;
  • knife -haired woman;
  • self -tapping screws;
  • bar for the crate;
  • hobby;
  • roofing material and nails.

The work is performed in several stages. First you need to inspect the old roof. Clean it of dirt and fix all the elements. Next, we carry out roof measurements, with the distance of the protrusion. After that, prepare the beam, from one end it is necessary to do it, for a tight attachment to the skate. From both ends of the roof we mount the bars and pull the thread between them. After we make a horizontal crate with a step of 61 cm. After the crate is ready, you can proceed to the flooring of the roof. It is best to choose light enough so that the load is not too high. Thus, you can make a new roof without resorting to complex construction work.


Drawing of a gable roof

When designing any construction, it is important to draw up drawings. The construction of all designs is ongoing. When drawing up the roof scheme, it is necessary to take calculations of the rafter system and accounting for other parameters.

A whole project is compiled for the roof of the house, which includes:

  • drawing of the roof adjustment to the parapet with and without and without and without;
  • roof plan;
  • skat connection;
  • the location of the gutters;

This is a rather complicated work, errors in which are fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, it is best not to regret funds and entrust the drawing of a drawing to professionals.


Rafters for a gable roof

The rafters are the power structure of the roof. As mentioned above, they can be assembled on the ground and lifted for installation. And you can make them in place. In any case, it is best to use the template. Now we will tell you how to prepare the rafters for installation.

  1. We lay out the beam so that it repeats the contour of the future structure.
  2. We measure the length according to the template.
  3. We reduce the beam to contact in the skate part.
  4. On each beam with a pencil, we mark the place of contact.
  5. For the manufacture of the sole of the rafters, you need to attach a board at the bottom and draw a straight line.
  6. We saw off the material on the intended line, and in the skate part we make cuts in half the thickness of the beam.

Now the rafters are ready for installation. Start with the installation of pediment parts. After that, the rope is pulled, and the remaining parts are installed. The distance between the rafters should be 60 cm. After everything is installed, it is necessary to strengthen the structure. Thus, the roof frame is ready and you can proceed to further work.


Installation of a gable roof

We have already said a lot from the gable roof and, in particular about the rafter system. It is worth paying attention to the correct roof device. The main thing is to observe the planned step of the crate. For good roof ventilation and in order to avoid damage to wooden structures, a crate should be provided. You should also install a ventilation box in the ridge part and holes are provided in the lining of the overhang overhangs. Also, waterproofing should also be carried out to protect against moisture. The roof must be insulated without dependence, the room in it is residential or simple attic. This will help reduce heat loss and save on heating accounts. To do this, thermal insulation material (mineral wool) is laid in the space between the rafters and the materials are covered with wind and moisture protection. After that, everything is fixed by the rails perpendicular to the power structure. The latest step is coating with roofing material. Thus, you will receive a strong and warm roof.


This article tells about the device of a gable roof. It is said about its components and rules for the installation of rafters. It is also described about the rules for calculating the rafter system, taking into account various loads. Using the tips of the article, you can easily calculate the amount of material and make a roof yourself for your home. Successful work.

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